Apple: Intolerance & Allergy

Among fruits, the apple is the undisputed number one on the popularity scale, as no other fruit is bought, eaten and processed more. There are also good reasons for this: The apple tastes wonderful, is a vitamin bomb and helps to stay healthy, especially in winter.

This is what you should know about the apple

Among fruits, the apple is the undisputed number one on the popularity scale, as no other fruit is bought, eaten and processed more. The apple originated in Asia and is one of the oldest types of fruit. Meanwhile, the apple tree also plays an important role in Europe. Apples belong to the pome fruit family and to the rose family. Nowadays, the cultivated apple is the best known and most important species. The fruit is available at any time of the year: the summer apples ripen in July to August and are not suitable for storage, for example the clear and August apples. The autumn apples are ripe from September to November, for example the Renette. The winter apples, such as Boskop or Boikenapfel, are harvested in the fall, but are not immediately ready for consumption. Only after a few weeks of storage are they ripe and taste fully aromatic. Varieties such as Elstar or Idared are imports or special cultivars.

Importance for health

The apple has many beneficial effects on the body. One apple of a variety rich in vitamins, for example Berlepsch, Goldparmäne and Boskop, can provide more than 50 percent of the daily vitamin C requirement. If a few apples are consumed daily over a long period of time, cholesterol levels can be lowered. Apples are very low in calories, and because of the fiber they contain, they are also filling, so they are also good for dieting. Young children can eat finely grated apples as an effective remedy for diarrhea. The fruit is also said to relieve sore throats and throat, stimulate circulation in the morning and improve sleep disorders. A roasted apple with honey is helpful for a hoarse throat. An apple fruit tea helps against nervousness. The apple mask provides a soft and clean skin. For this, grate a peeled apple, mix it with honey, apply it on the skin for 15 minutes and then wash it off carefully. The apple also cleanses the teeth due to the fruit acids.

Ingredients and nutritional values

Nutritional information

Amount per 100 gram

Calories 25

Fat content 0.3 g

Cholesterol 0 mg

Sodium 30 mg

Potassium 299 mg

Carbohydrates 5 g

Protein 1.9 g

Vitamin C 48.2 mg

The apple has a high nutritional value, because more than 30 vitamins and trace elements, a lot of potassium, which regulates the water balance and numerous other valuable minerals, for example, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. It also contains important vitamins such as B1, 2 and 6, as well as E and C, provitamin A, niacin and folic acid. It should be noted that most of the vitamins are located in the skin of the apple or directly under it. Therefore, the fruit should be well washed, but not peeled. Another important ingredient is pectin, which helps lower cholesterol and also binds harmful substances in the body. The apple is more than 80 percent water and has few kilocalories.

Intolerances and allergies

Some people cannot tolerate apples, often due to fructose malabsorption. This results, for example, in pain in the lower abdomen, increased gas formation in the intestines, and osmotic diarrhea. Other possible symptoms are nausea, dizziness, sweating, hot flashes, headaches, a light-headedness as well as a craving for sweets. In addition, there are people who suffer from an apple allergy. This can result in a swollen tongue, tingling in the mouth and skin rashes.

Shopping and kitchen tips

Apples are available year-round in any supermarket. They should look fresh and also have no bruises. When pressure is applied to the apple, there should be no dents, otherwise they are overripe and mealy. A shiny, plump skin indicates that the fruit is fresh and has been well stored. A cool cellar room with high humidity is ideal, where the apples are stored loosely spread on paper or boards. Temperatures of two to six degrees are recommended. Frost must be avoided at all costs.Apples should be checked regularly for brown or rotten spots and these should be sorted out. Those who do not have a cellar room can also store the fruit in a plastic bag. This will prevent them from drying out. For small quantities, the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator is suitable. In optimal conditions, apples will keep for several weeks. The sweetness of apples increases after harvest and the aroma becomes more intense as they ripen. Products with short transport routes, i.e. from the region, are fresher and they also protect the environment. Organic apples must also not be treated with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Apples release the gaseous hormone ethylene when they ripen, which also causes other fruits or vegetables to wilt more quickly. Therefore, apples should always be stored separately. Of course, if other fruits such as bananas are to ripen faster, apples nearby can contribute positively. By the way, a small piece of apple placed under the cheese cover helps the cheese not to dry out, but to stay juicy. Since a cut apple turns brown very quickly, the pieces should be quickly sprinkled with a little lemon juice, if the apples are to be processed further, because this keeps the apple pieces fresh.

Preparation tips

The apple develops its beneficial effects best when eaten raw. This is also possible by adding it to a raw vegetable dish or salad. The apple is also a popular ingredient in mueslis. It is important that the fruit is washed well beforehand, as it is often sprayed. The skin should not be cut off, as it contains a large part of the healthy ingredients. Apples can also be cooked. For this purpose, there are special varieties of cooking apples, which even when cooked do not lose the firm consistency and sweet-sour aroma. Apples also go very well in hearty dishes such as red cabbage. Christmas goose is also popularly stuffed with this fruit. A tastier combination is also achieved when apples are gratinated with goat cheese. A healthy salad is created together with carrots and lemon juice. This can be refined, for example, with feta and pine nuts. For the TV evening or parties, the dried apple rings are very popular. Baked apples at Christmas time, apple sauce, apple strudel, apple pancakes, apple turnover and apple cider are also classics, of course. Cinnamon and nuts, but also vanilla sauce, for example, harmonize perfectly with the apple. The apple can even be baked in bread. When apple varieties are varied, baked goods and dishes always taste different. For sweet varieties, the sugar can be reduced. Sour apple varieties add an aromatic note to baked goods. The variety of varied recipes with the apple is limitless. For every season there are suitable dishes, which are not only tasty, but also improve health with them.