Hair loss due to iodine deficiency | Iodine deficiency

Hair loss due to iodine deficiency The thyroid hormones T3 and T4 are important for many different metabolic processes in the body. Among other things, they control the metabolism of the connective tissue, including hair.An underfunction of the thyroid gland due to iodine deficiency can lead to dry and brittle hair and increased hair loss. … Hair loss due to iodine deficiency | Iodine deficiency

Iodine deficiency during pregnancy | Iodine deficiency

Iodine deficiency during pregnancy During pregnancy and lactation the need for iodine is increased because the mother’s body has to supply not only itself but also the unborn or newborn with sufficient iodine. In pregnancy and lactation it is more difficult to take up sufficient iodine through food because of the increased iodine requirement. Pregnant … Iodine deficiency during pregnancy | Iodine deficiency

Thyroid enlargement

Overview The thyroid gland is a 20-60 gram light organ, which lies around the esophagus at the neck, below the larynx. Its task is to produce the thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which are essential for survival. These two hormones are needed to regulate the body’s metabolism. The thyroid gland reacts very sensitively to external … Thyroid enlargement

Symptoms | Thyroid enlargement

Symptoms An enlargement of the thyroid gland can initially occur completely without physical symptoms, or it can affect the metabolic state. The size of the thyroid gland therefore does not allow immediate conclusions to be drawn about its function. For this reason, hyperthyroidism (overproduction of thyroid hormones) and hypothyroidism (underproduction) can occur in cases of … Symptoms | Thyroid enlargement

Thyroid swelling – How can you detect it yourself? | Swelling of the thyroid gland

Thyroid swelling – How can you detect it yourself? Depending on its extent, the swelling of the thyroid gland can be so severe that it can even be seen in the mirror. If necessary, the organ can also be palpated as a soft, sometimes knotty structure on the right and left side of the larynx … Thyroid swelling – How can you detect it yourself? | Swelling of the thyroid gland

Home remedies | Swelling of the thyroid gland

Home remedies It is not recommended to treat a swollen thyroid gland with home remedies alone. A medical examination should always be carried out first in order to obtain a diagnosis and, if necessary, to start a therapy. Depending on the diagnosis, however, various household remedies can be used to support the treatment. For example, … Home remedies | Swelling of the thyroid gland

Thyroid swelling and swollen eyes/eyelids | Swelling of the thyroid gland

Thyroid swelling and swollen eyes/eyelids If swollen eyes or eyelids appear as a symptom in addition to a thyroid swelling, this may indicate a specific disease as a common cause. This is Graves’ disease, a so-called autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland, which often also affects the eyes.The body produces antibodies (proteins produced by immune … Thyroid swelling and swollen eyes/eyelids | Swelling of the thyroid gland