The puberty

Introduction Puberty is the phase between childhood and adulthood, in which far-reaching physical and psychological changes occur. The secondary sexual characteristics become pronounced, sexual maturity and growth spurts occur. In addition, this phase is divided into prepubertal and postmenarche. In girls, puberty begins about 2 years earlier than in boys. Prepuberty begins around the age … The puberty

Phases of puberty | The puberty

Phases of puberty The phases of puberty vary between the sexes and there are many different ways to classify them. For both sexes, the beginning of physical changes is a purely hormonal change and is therefore not externally visible. This marks the beginning of pre-adolescence and usually starts at the end of primary school. The … Phases of puberty | The puberty

Growth spurt

Definition A growth spurt is a significant increase in the speed of growth, usually related to the increase in height per unit of time. However, body weight and head circumference are also important for assessing growth in children. In humans, growth spurts usually occur preferentially at certain stages of life. Thus babies grow fastest immediately … Growth spurt