What are the rules for the separation diet? | The Food Combining Diet

What are the rules for the separation diet?

According to the separation diet method, food is divided into three groups, the carbohydrate group, the protein group and neutral foods. The rule of thumb for the food combining method is: never eat foods of the carbohydrate group together with those of the protein group. This is to stimulate fat metabolism and make the individual foods easier to digest.

Intermediate meals are allowed in the Food Combining Diet, but they should consist of healthy food. Fruit or strips of vegetables with herbal quark are well suited for this. In order to lose weight as effectively as possible, it is recommended to combine foods of the protein group with neutral foods in the evening. If you do without carbohydrates in the evening, your metabolism will be stimulated and the carbohydrate stores in your body will be emptied overnight. Between the main meals and snacks should always be at least three hours break.

How much can I lose weight with this diet form?

If one strictly implements the separation food diet and takes calorie-poor meals to oneself, does without intermediate meals and eats in the evening no coal hydrates, one can lose 1 – 2 kilograms per week. The success of the diet depends on the initial situation, the calorie content of the food and, at best, additional physical activity.

How can I avoid the yoyo effect with this diet?

The Food Combining Diet has less risk of a yoyo effect than most radical mono diets. In order to avoid a yoyo effect in the long run, it is advisable to see the Food Combining Diet as a start into a permanently healthy and balanced diet and to slowly reduce the “separation” of food groups after the diet. If one does sport during and after the diet, this clearly helps to maintain the desired weight and to avoid the yo-yo effect, since the new muscle mass consumes correspondingly more energy.