Social Identity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Identity in the sense of social identity arises from social categorization processes. People see themselves as human beings, as part of certain groups, and as individuals. People associate group membership with certain values that contribute to their self-worth. What is identity? Identity in the sense of social identity arises from social categorization processes. People see … Social Identity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Socialization: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Socialization is the ongoing adaptation to patterns of feeling and thinking within social communities. According to socialization theory, humans are only viable through socialization. Socialization problems can therefore cause mental and psychosomatic illnesses, but can also be a symptom of them. What is socialization? Socialization is the ongoing adaptation to patterns of feeling and thinking … Socialization: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Social Phobia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Social phobia, or social phobia, is an anxiety disorder. In it, sufferers fear attracting negative attention and embarrassing themselves in company. The fear revolves around the possibility that general attention will be focused on one’s own person. About 11 to 15 percent of people develop social phobia during their lifetime. What is social phobia? Social … Social Phobia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Sauna in Pregnancy

Many pregnant women always ask themselves the question of whether they can go to the sauna without hesitation. Even if it is basically healthy, a few things should still be considered in advance when taking a sauna during pregnancy. It should be noted that sauna use cannot automatically be recommended for every pregnant woman; there … Sauna in Pregnancy

Skull: Structure, Function & Diseases

The skull is the term used to describe the bones of the head. In medical parlance, the skull is also called “cranium”. Thus, if a process exists “intracranially” (tumors, bleeding, etc.) according to the doctor, this means “located in the skull“. What is the cranium? One would think that the skull is a single, large, … Skull: Structure, Function & Diseases