Conservative treatment | Physiotherapy after a cruciate ligament rupture

Conservative treatment The conservative treatment for cruciate ligament rupture is similar to the post-treatment of cruciate ligament plastic surgery. At the beginning, pain and swelling symptoms are treated. Pain in the muscles and tendons due to protective tension can be relieved with heat therapy, soft tissue techniques and friction. The swelling is improved by lymph … Conservative treatment | Physiotherapy after a cruciate ligament rupture

Exercises | Physiotherapy after a cruciate ligament rupture

Exercises In the case of a torn cruciate ligament, it is crucial to strengthen the entire surrounding musculature so that the knee becomes more stable. This is particularly important in conservative treatment, as the muscles must take over the task of the cruciate ligaments. The quadriceps femoris, the ischiocrural muscles, Sartorius, the tensor fascie latae, … Exercises | Physiotherapy after a cruciate ligament rupture

Summary | Physiotherapy after a cruciate ligament rupture

Summary The follow-up treatment of a cruciate ligament rupture depends on the general condition and the extent of the rupture. An athletic person with well-developed muscles will regain his or her ability to bear weight through conservative therapy. The typical injury mechanism is a rotation of the knee with fixed lower leg. This often happens … Summary | Physiotherapy after a cruciate ligament rupture