Summary | Physiotherapy after a cruciate ligament rupture


The follow-up treatment of a cruciate ligament rupture depends on the general condition and the extent of the rupture. An athletic person with well-developed muscles will regain his or her ability to bear weight through conservative therapy. The typical injury mechanism is a rotation of the knee with fixed lower leg.

This often happens with skiers, soccer players or generally sports where a lot of compression is required. The cruciate ligaments can no longer withstand this load and the cruciate ligament is torn.The most common injury mechanism mentioned above is an injury to the anterior cruciate ligament, inner meniscus and inner ligament, also called “unhappy triad”. In a less athletic person, a cruciate ligament plastic is performed to stabilize the knee joint.

In the follow-up treatment, pain and swelling are individually treated and step by step exercises are increased. It is important to maintain the correct leg axis during all exercises and to increase strength carefully.