Bruise on the thigh

Definition In the case of a bruise (haematoma), blood from an injured blood vessel leaks into the surrounding tissue. Depending on the depth of the injured blood vessel, the blood collects in the subcutaneous fatty tissue or in the connective tissue around the muscles (muscle boxes). On the thigh, such bruises often occur as a … Bruise on the thigh

What is the prognosis of hemorthrosis? | Hemarthros

What is the prognosis of hemorthrosis? The prognosis depends on the cause. In principle, early diagnosis and adequate treatment are important in order to avoid permanent secondary damage to the affected joint. In very rare cases, the haemarthrosis must be surgically removed to prevent further pathological impairment of the joint and its surrounding structures. Possible … What is the prognosis of hemorthrosis? | Hemarthros


Definition – What is a hemarthros? In medicine, haemarthros is a bruise within a joint (joint hematoma). In comparison to a hematoma, which can form anywhere in the body, it is found inside joints (knee or shoulder joint). The accumulation of blood is usually visible in the form of swelling and a bluish discoloration of … Hemarthros

Bruise on the child

A haematoma in children, also known as a haematoma, is caused by a blunt, violent external impact on the tissue. Small children often contract this injury when playing with others or during sports activities. The sudden increase in pressure on the affected area causes the small blood vessels in the tissue to burst, blood leaks … Bruise on the child

Treatment | Bruise on the child

Treatment Bruises in children do not require extensive treatment in most cases. Small superficial bruises that do not cause serious symptoms are usually treated conservatively. One can simply wait until the bruise heals on its own after a few days or weeks and the discoloration of the tissue fades. This can be supported by cooling … Treatment | Bruise on the child