Home Remedies for Mood Swings

Stress, lack of sleep or gloomy and dark weather: all these factors can have a negative impact on our mood and lead to mood swings. However, short-term dejection is not a cause for concern. It will pass and can be effectively banished with simple home remedies. Light and heat, as well as herbs and exercise, … Home Remedies for Mood Swings

Happiness Hormones: Function & Diseases

Several messenger substances that have a positive effect on the body’s well-being are referred to as happiness hormones. Serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins are thought to relieve pain, induce states of relaxation, and make people happy. Because of their effects on the psyche, which are comparable to narcotics, happiness hormones are also referred to as endogenous … Happiness Hormones: Function & Diseases

Butyrophenone: Effects, Uses & Risks

Butyrophenone is a pharmacological agent that is the basic substance for a whole group of drugs called butyrophenones. Among other things, butyrophenones serve as antipsychotics for the treatment of schizophrenia and mania. In this context, they act as antagonists of the neurotransmitter dopamine. What is butyrophenone? Butyrophenones serve as antipsychotics for the treatment of schizophrenia … Butyrophenone: Effects, Uses & Risks

Amineptin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Amineptine is an atypical tricyclic antidepressant. This is because the drug has a selective effect and only inhibits the reuptake of the two neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine in the nerve cells of the brain. What is amineptine? Amineptine is an atypical tricyclic antidepressant. Amineptine was developed in 1978 by the pharmaceutical company Servier, which marketed … Amineptin: Effects, Uses & Risks

This Is What Profits Trigger in Our Brain

The human brain is an extremely complex system, which changes almost permanently. Experiences are particularly important for the brain, because new connections are created through them. But all the impressions we could not process at all if we did not have sleep. Regeneration during the night hours is essential, because if sleep is foregone, memory … This Is What Profits Trigger in Our Brain

Home Remedies for Depression

Depression is one of the most widespread mental illnesses. However, strong medication is not always necessary, and many people also fear the side effects. For milder forms of depression or against depressive moods, there are a variety of different, well-working home remedies. They have the advantage of being easy to use, as well as being … Home Remedies for Depression

Kissing is Healthy

A person shares up to 100,000 kisses in a 70-year lifetime. These tendernesses are well invested: After all, kissing is not only fun, it’s also healthy. And if a kiss is intense enough, it even burns calories. But kissing also has an influence on blood pressure, the immune system and the production of stress hormones. … Kissing is Healthy