King-Kopetzky Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

King-Kopetzky syndrome is the term used to describe an obscure auditory dysfunction or auditory processing disorder. Auditory means “pertaining to the auditory system.” This disorder is still relatively understudied, but affects about ten percent of all patients who seek medical treatment for hearing problems. Adults, older children and adolescents are particularly affected. What is King-Kopetzky … King-Kopetzky Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Remove earwax safely

Introduction Earwax, which is also called cerumen, fulfils important functions in the ear. It is a bitter, yellowish, greasy secretion of the external auditory canal. The earwax glands produce it. They are called Glandulae ceruminosae in medical terminology. It contains mainly fats, cholesterol and cholesterol esters but also important enzymes that give earwax an antibacterial … Remove earwax safely

Removing earwax from the child’s ears – What must be observed? | Remove earwax safely

Removing earwax from the child’s ears – What must be observed? Earwax is usually not harmful to children either. However, some children seem to produce very large amounts of earwax. Normally, however, this normalizes in the course of puberty. Often the temptation is nevertheless great to remove the substance which is considered to be dirt. … Removing earwax from the child’s ears – What must be observed? | Remove earwax safely

Moebius Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Möbius syndrome is a congenital malformation syndrome characterized by an inability to move the eyes laterally and facial paralysis. It is caused by maldevelopments in the embryonic period, the triggers of which have not been conclusively determined. Muscle transplantation can help patients achieve facial expression. What is Möbius syndrome? The group of congenital malformation syndromes … Moebius Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment