Hearing Loss, Hearing Impairment and Otosclerosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hearing loss is a common condition. If we consider the total population from infants to the elderly, we may assume that on average in the world about ten percent of all people suffer from hearing disorders. Not everyone needs to see a doctor about it, but at least three percent of the total population requires … Hearing Loss, Hearing Impairment and Otosclerosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Jones Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Jones syndrome is a heriditary fibromatosis associated with connective tissue growths on the gums and bilateral progressive sensorineural hearing loss. The connective tissue growths are treated surgically. If hearing loss is present, a cochlear implant can restore hearing. What is Jones syndrome? Hereditary gingival fibromatosis refers to a group of congenital disorders characterized by the … Jones Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Oto-spondylo-megaepiphyseal Dysplasia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Oto-spondylo-megaepiphyseal dysplasia is a mutation-related skeletal dysplasia. Patients suffer lead symptomatically from defects of bone and cartilage tissue and sensorineural hearing loss. Treatment is purely symptomatic and usually includes pain management. What is oto-spondylo-megaepiphyseal dysplasia? Skeletal dysplasias are congenital disorders of bone or cartilage tissue and are also known as osteochondrodysplasias. A myriad of disorders … Oto-spondylo-megaepiphyseal Dysplasia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Everyday Aids for the Elderly

When mobility and senses decline in old age, special everyday aids can compensate for this. Many are already practical for younger people. Only a few of the 50- to 80-year-olds have no significant problems in handling household objects. Many older people are in danger of failing with can openers, some are in constant conflict with … Everyday Aids for the Elderly

Everyday Aids for the Elderly: Big Help, Small Price

Also indispensable for functioning communication: good hearing. Here, hearing aid acousticians report progress through tiny devices. Digital technology also makes it possible to better distinguish between speech and distracting ambient noise. Small aids – big impact From stocking (pants) tighteners to non-slip illuminated bedside table coasters, there are countless small and also affordable helpers. Here … Everyday Aids for the Elderly: Big Help, Small Price

Types of hearing aids

Synonyms Hearing aid, hearing system, hearing glasses, cochlear implant, CI, in-the-ear hearing system, in-the-ear, RIC hearing system, behind-the-ear device, BTE, hearing machine, ear trumpet, concha hearing system, Micro-CiC, noise device, tinnitus noiser, tinnitus masker, receiver-in-canal, tinnitus control instrument Hearing aids Listen to Ear Anatomy Ear Inner Ear Outer ear Middle Ear Earache Hearing loss in … Types of hearing aids

Noise-induced Hearing Loss: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Noise-induced hearing loss increasingly affects young people. Noise-induced hearing loss caused by long-term exposure to noise is usually not curable. What is noise-induced hearing loss? Noise-induced hearing loss is also known as sensorineural hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss usually develops due to long-term exposure to sound levels of high severity. Noise-induced hearing loss as a … Noise-induced Hearing Loss: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment