The inner ear

Synonyms Latin: Auris interna Definition The inner ear is located inside the petrous bone and contains the hearing and balance organs. It consists of a membranous labyrinth surrounded by a bony labyrinth of the same shape. The cochlea is the organ of hearing in the inner ear. It consists of the cochlear labyrinth with a … The inner ear

Summary | The inner ear

Summary The inner ear is a complex structure that helps us to orient ourselves in space. The perception of sound also plays an extremely important role in our social life. All articles in this series: The inner ear Summary

Vertigo through the inner ear

Synonyms dizziness, vertigo, inner ear, vestibular apparatus Disturbance of balance and dizziness Since the vertigo triggered by the inner ear is always due to a disturbance of the vestibular organ, it is quite normal that the sense of balance is usually affected by vertigo. The human sense of balance works through the cooperation of many … Vertigo through the inner ear

Cause inner ear inflammation | Vertigo through the inner ear

Cause inner ear inflammation Inflammation of the inner ear (labyrinthitis) can lead to inflammation of the organ of balance and the hearing organ. Dizziness is triggered when the organ of equilibrium is also affected. In most cases, bacterial or viral infections are the cause of the inflammation. In the case of an inflammation of the … Cause inner ear inflammation | Vertigo through the inner ear

These tests for vertigo through the inner ear are | Vertigo through the inner ear

These tests for vertigo through the inner ear are The medical history plays the most important role in the diagnosis of vertigo through the inner ear. By interviewing the affected person, the symptoms and their cause can be narrowed down. Special tests for vertigo through the inner ear can include examinations of standing and gait … These tests for vertigo through the inner ear are | Vertigo through the inner ear