What is the therapy for myocarditis? | Myocarditis

What is the therapy for myocarditis? Therapy is initially based on the severity of the myocarditis. In most cases, the symptoms (symptomatic therapy) and the causes (causal therapy) of the myocarditis are treated in parallel. Symptomatic therapy includes, first and foremost, physical rest and a temporary cessation of physical activity. Painkillers can also be prescribed … What is the therapy for myocarditis? | Myocarditis

When can I do sports again afterwards? | Myocarditis

When can I do sports again afterwards? Myocarditis can lead to sudden heart failure during exercise, often with fatal consequences. Therefore, a ban on sports must be strictly adhered to. Before physical activity can be resumed, a detailed examination must be carried out by the treating physician. This usually includes laboratory tests as well as … When can I do sports again afterwards? | Myocarditis