Sun hat

Synonyms in a broader sense Latin name: Echinacea purpurea, group: Asteraceae = Compositae Folk names: American coneflower, narrow-leaved coneflower. Hedgehog head, cone flower, Rudbeckie Family: composite plants Plant description The plant is anchored vertically in the ground with a tap root. Upright stem, covered with bristle hairs. Leaves with entire margins, lancet-like, solitary. Only one … Sun hat

ManufacturerTrade names | Sun hat

ManufacturerTrade names Manufacturers are given as examples and were selected at random. We have no personal connection with any manufacturer! Esberitox® N | N2 50 Tabl. | 6,25 € Esberitox® N | N3 100 Tabl. | 10,80 € Status: January 2004 All articles in this series: Sun hat Medicinally used plant parts Application in homeopathy … ManufacturerTrade names | Sun hat