Hydroxycobalamin: Function & Diseases

Hydroxycobalamin is one of the naturally occurring substances in the vitamin B12 complex. It can be converted into the bioactive adenosylcobalamin (coenzyme B12) relatively easily by the body’s metabolism through a few steps. Hydroxycobalamin is more suitable than any other compound from the B12 complex for replenishing B12 stores in the body. It performs functions … Hydroxycobalamin: Function & Diseases

Fludarabine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Fludarabine is a cytostatic drug used for the therapy of malignant diseases. For this purpose, it is applied intravenously as an infusion. What is fludarabine? Fludarabine is a cytostatic drug used for the therapy of malignant diseases. For this purpose, it is applied intravenously as an infusion. Fludarabine, also known as fludara or fludarabine-5-dihydrogen phosphate, … Fludarabine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Myeloblast: Structure, Function & Diseases

Myeloblasts are the most immature form of granulocytes within granulopoiesis and arise from multipotent stem cells of the bone marrow. Granulocytes are involved in the defense against infection. When there is a deficiency of granulocytes, this deficiency may result from a previous deficiency of myeloblasts and results in immunodeficiency in the sense of immune deficiency. … Myeloblast: Structure, Function & Diseases

Embryonic Liver Development: Function, Role & Diseases

Embryonic liver development is a process with several stages in which the bile ducts and gallbladder are formed in addition to the liver. The epithelial bud serves as the output and undergoes proliferation until it becomes a functional organ. Embryonic developmental abnormalities may occur during liver development. What is embryonic liver development? Embryonic liver development … Embryonic Liver Development: Function, Role & Diseases

Erythrocyte Osmotic Resistance: Function, Role & Diseases

Red cell osmotic resistance is a measure of how strongly the membranes surrounding red cells resist an osmotic pressure gradient. A partial osmotic pressure develops at the semipermeable membranes of erythrocytes when they are surrounded by a saline solution that is below their own (physiological) salt concentration of 0.9 percent. Red blood cells absorb water … Erythrocyte Osmotic Resistance: Function, Role & Diseases

Pentostatin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Pentostatin is a pharmaceutical agent that belongs to the antimetabolites and is used in the treatment of hairy cell leukemia. Hairy cell leukemia is characterized by an abnormality of lymphocytes and is characterized by a decrease in white and red blood cells and anemia, among other symptoms. What is pentostatin? Pentostatin is used in the … Pentostatin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Functions of the blood

Introduction Every person has about 4-6 litres of blood flowing through his veins. This corresponds to about 8% of the body weight. The blood consists of different proportions, which all take on different tasks in the body. For example, the components play an important role in the transport of nutrients and oxygen, but also for … Functions of the blood

Tasks of the white blood cells | Functions of the blood

Tasks of the white blood cells The white blood cells (leukocytes) serve the immune defence. They are important in the defence against pathogens and also in the development of allergies and autoimmune diseases. There are many subgroups of leukocytes. The first subgroup is the neutrophilic granulocytes with about 60%. They are able to recognize and … Tasks of the white blood cells | Functions of the blood