
Synonyms in a broader sense migraine attack, seizure-like headache, hemicrania, hemicrania, unilateral headache, migraine attack, unilateral headache Definition Migraine is usually a pulsating headache that occurs in attacks and has a hemiplegic character. The pain usually begins on one side of the forehead, temple and eye. In almost all cases the headache attack is preceded … Migraine

Risk factors | Migraine

Risk factors As a risk factor, which are considered to favour the development of migraine: Symptoms Typical symptoms of migraine are: Hemiplegic headache Abdominal pain and nausea (80%) Vomiting (40%) Frequent start in the morning Duration several hours to days Pain character pulsating knocking Increase in complaints under stress Aura before the onset of migraine … Risk factors | Migraine