Hemophilia: Causes, treatment

Brief overview Description: Hemophilia is a congenital disorder of blood clotting. There are two main forms: Hemophilia A and B. Progression and prognosis: Hemophilia cannot be cured. However, bleeding and complications can be prevented with the right treatment. Symptoms: Increased tendency to bleed, resulting in easy bleeding and bruising. Treatment: Mainly replacement of the missing … Hemophilia: Causes, treatment

Wound: Causes, Treatment & Help

The following text informs about wounds, their causes, their diagnosis as well as following course, about their further treatment and preventive measures. What is a wound? A wound is generally described as a superficial injury to the skin (medically: tissue destruction or severance). A wound is generally described as a superficial injury to the skin … Wound: Causes, Treatment & Help

Electrotherapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

In the course of electrotherapy, electric current is used for therapeutic purposes. Here, the applied current strength, frequency and pulse width depend on the underlying symptoms. In most cases, electrotherapy represents an accompanying measure to the therapy of the underlying disease. What is electrotherapy? Electrotherapy is a therapeutic application of electric current in general medicine … Electrotherapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Increased Bleeding Tendency: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Increased bleeding tendency, also called hemorrhagic diathesis, can have several causes. In addition to treating the cause of the bleeding tendency, precautions help keep affected individuals safe. What is increased bleeding diathesis? If an affected person has an increased bleeding tendency, it manifests as bleeding that lasts too long and/or bleeding that is too severe … Increased Bleeding Tendency: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hemophilia: Impaired Blood Clotting

The disease is hereditary and yet it strikes most patients by surprise – we are talking about “hemophilia“, popularly known as “hemophilia”. Due to a genetic defect, those affected lack a substance that causes the blood to clot. But blood clotting is important because it is the reason why wounds close again. Find out how … Hemophilia: Impaired Blood Clotting

DNA: Structure, Function & Diseases

DNA is considered the Holy Grail of genetics and evolutionary biology alike. Without DNA as the carrier of hereditary information, complex life on this planet is unthinkable. What is DNA? DNA is the abbreviation for “deoxyribonucleic acid“. For biochemists, this designation already says the most important things about its structure, but in normal cases it … DNA: Structure, Function & Diseases

Pedicure: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Pedicure is a medical foot care to maintain the health of the skin of the foot with special attention to toenails and calluses. In many cases, it is performed foot care at home under their own direction. Professional foot care by trained professionals is called podiatry. What is pedicure? Pedicure is a medical foot care … Pedicure: Treatment, Effect & Risks