Home Pharmacy: What Should Definitely Be Included

Brief overview Description: Container with medicines, bandages and medical instruments for minor everyday ailments (e.g. colds, headaches), minor injuries (e.g. scrapes, burns) and household emergencies. Contents: medicines (e.g. painkillers and antipyretics, wound and burn ointment, anti-diarrheal agent), bandages, medical instruments (e.g. bandage scissors, tweezers, clinical thermometer), other aids (e.g. cooling compress). Tips: regularly check for … Home Pharmacy: What Should Definitely Be Included

Home Pharmacy

Tips The composition is individual and depends on the people in the household. Consider special patient groups and their needs: Babies, children, pregnant women, elderly (contraindications, interactions). Check expiration dates annually, return expired remedies to the pharmacy. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature, closed and dry (not in the bathroom where … Home Pharmacy

Gentle Help for Little Sniffles: is your Children’s Medicine Cabinet Ready for Winter?

Coughs, sniffles, cold season – children in particular are easy victims for viruses and bacteria during the cold season. Their immune systems have yet to learn how to fend off such attacks. If it has caught the little ones, special care is required. Making the medicine cabinet fit for children The first thing to do … Gentle Help for Little Sniffles: is your Children’s Medicine Cabinet Ready for Winter?

The Right Medicine Cabinet

In an emergency, have a painkiller, a cold compress or bandages directly at hand: A well-stocked medicine cabinet can serve you well. But what all belongs in the medicine cabinet? You should consider the following points when setting up a medicine cabinet: Place your medicine cabinet in a light-protected, cool and dry place. The best … The Right Medicine Cabinet