Skull: Structure, Function & Diseases

The skull is the term used to describe the bones of the head. In medical parlance, the skull is also called “cranium”. Thus, if a process exists “intracranially” (tumors, bleeding, etc.) according to the doctor, this means “located in the skull“. What is the cranium? One would think that the skull is a single, large, … Skull: Structure, Function & Diseases

Wound: Causes, Treatment & Help

The following text informs about wounds, their causes, their diagnosis as well as following course, about their further treatment and preventive measures. What is a wound? A wound is generally described as a superficial injury to the skin (medically: tissue destruction or severance). A wound is generally described as a superficial injury to the skin … Wound: Causes, Treatment & Help

Kidney Vetch: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Kidney vetch, popularly known as common kidney vetch, bear clover or woundwort, is widely used as a valuable medicinal plant throughout Europe. In traditional folk medicine, kidney vetch has a long tradition. Occurrence and cultivation of kidney vetch Between the months of June and September, the yellow calyxes with their typical red tips appear. With … Kidney Vetch: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Wound Plasters: Effect, Uses & Risks

A wound plaster consists of an adhesive, sterile wound dressing that can be placed on small to medium-sized wounds to prevent the wound from becoming infected. At the same time, it also prevents secretions such as blood or wound water from escaping into the surrounding area. At the same time, the wound plaster protects the … Wound Plasters: Effect, Uses & Risks

Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy

Iron, the vital trace element, is needed for various metabolic functions as well as primarily for blood formation. The body cannot produce the micronutrient itself, so it must be supplied daily with food. During pregnancy, the iron requirement doubles. Therefore, many women experience iron deficiency during pregnancy. What is iron deficiency? Because expectant mothers have … Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy

Classification: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Classification of perception corresponds to categorization, which helps interpret what is perceived. All human cognitive categories together form the mental representation of the world. Misclassifications of perception occur in the context of delusions. What is classification? Classification is a part of cognitive perceptual processing and is often associated with the expression of categorical perception. Classification … Classification: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases