Antitussives: Effect, Uses & Risks

Antitussives are used to treat diseases with irritating cough. They provide a stilling of the cough, colloquially antitussives are therefore also called cough suppressants. Coughing is a common symptom of colds or flu-like infections and can be very distressing to the patient. What are antitussives? In most cases, antitussives are found in what are called … Antitussives: Effect, Uses & Risks

Home Remedies for Cough

Cough can be fought with various home remedies. Mostly, these are herbal essences that are used as remedies. The effectiveness of many of these remedies has now even been scientifically proven. What helps against cough? The ingredients contained in onion syrup can relieve cough symptoms. In general, when choosing the right cough remedy, it must … Home Remedies for Cough

Iridology: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Iridology is an alternative medical diagnostic procedure. Iridologists diagnose predispositions and diseases based on iris analysis, referring to tissue changes in the eyes. The procedure is neither empirically confirmed nor excluded. What is iridology? Iridologists diagnose predispositions and diseases based on an iris analysis, referring to tissue changes of the eyes. The eyes are the … Iridology: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Natural Remedies: Effect, Uses & Risks

More and more people are turning to naturopathic medicine with its natural remedies. These remedies are considered gentle helpers that are well tolerated and whose application holistically understands the person and his disease. Today, there are a large number of diverse therapeutic approaches that work with natural remedies. What are natural remedies? Natural remedies serve … Natural Remedies: Effect, Uses & Risks

Homeopath: Diagnosis, Treatment & Choice of Doctor

Homeopathy, as a holistic alternative healing method, originated in Germany. It was the German doctor Samuel Hahnemann who founded this healing concept, also the homeopathy used today in its various manifestations ultimately goes back to the classical homeopathy of Hahnemann. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was thus the first homeopath ever. What is a homeopath? Homeopathic medicines … Homeopath: Diagnosis, Treatment & Choice of Doctor