Addison’s Disease: Symptoms, Progression, Treatment

Brief overview Symptoms: Browning of the skin, fatigue and listlessness, low blood pressure, weight loss, fluid deficiency. Course of disease and prognosis: Treated, life expectancy is normal; untreated, the disease is fatal. In stressful situations, it is important to adjust the hormone dose to prevent a life-threatening Addisonian crisis. Diagnosis: Various laboratory tests, control of … Addison’s Disease: Symptoms, Progression, Treatment

Hormone Replacement: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Hormone replacement involves compensating for a hormone deficiency by administering synthetic or natural hormones. It is irrelevant whether the deficiency is absolute or relative. A synonym for hormone replacement is hormone replacement therapy. What is hormone replacement? Hormone replacement is the process of compensating for a hormone deficiency by administering synthetic or natural hormones. Hormone … Hormone Replacement: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Hypogalactia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hypogalactia is insufficient milk production in the mammary gland of a new mother. Often, this underproduction is the cause of improper breastfeeding. In such a case, treatment consists of instruction in proper breastfeeding. What is hypogalactia? The terms hypogalactia, hypergalactia, and agalactia are used to describe abnormalities in milk production after pregnancy. Milk production and … Hypogalactia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment