
Definition It is an inflammation of the urinary bladder, which usually only affects the upper layers of the mucous membrane. About 10 – 15% of adult women suffer at least once a year from an inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), which is mainly characterised by pain when urinating. Causes In the vast majority of cases, … Cystitis

Symptoms | Cystitis

Symptoms Typical signs (symptoms) of cystitis are unpleasant (alguria) or painful (usually burning) urination (dysuria), burning sensation after urination, a strong and frequent urge to urinate (pollakiuria) and pressure pain in the bladder region. The time of day is irrelevant for the intensity of the pain. There is usually no fever. In women, both complicated … Symptoms | Cystitis

Cystitis therapy

How is cystitis treated? In the case of a bladder infection, a one-off or short-term therapy (3 days) with an antibiotic (bacteria-killing medication) is usually carried out. This has the advantage that there are fewer side effects, the natural intestinal bacteria are less affected and there is less risk of resistance developing. Preparations such as: … Cystitis therapy