Homeopathic remedies for aphthae

Aphtae are defects on mucous membranes, which mostly occur in the mouth. More rarely, aphthae are also formed in the genital area. The painful vesicles are surrounded by a reddening, as they cause inflammation at the appropriate place. The reason for their occurrence is still unclear. In many cases, however, there is a connection to … Homeopathic remedies for aphthae

Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathic remedies for aphthae

Is there a suitable complex agent? active ingredients: WALA® Oral Balm liquid is a mixture of different active ingredients. These include, among others, effect: WALA® Oral Balsam liquid has an anti-inflammatory effect. It can relieve existing pain and regenerate the mucous membrane. It is intended for use in the mouth. Dosage: The Mouth Balm can … Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathic remedies for aphthae


Other term Canadian turmeric or bloodroot General note Hydrastis has a vasoconstrictive effect and is therefore an important remedy for bleeding First aid for bleeding of uterine fibroids Application of Hydrastis for the following diseases in homeopathy Bleeding in the uterus Aphtae and ulcers of the oral mucosa Chronic catarrh of the upper airways Inflammation … Hydrastis