
General information Jurnista® is a drug in the analgesic group (analgesics) and is used to treat severe pain. It contains hydromorphone hydrochloride. Contraindications (contraindications) Jurnista® should not be used if any of the following contraindications are met: Absolute contraindication:Jurnista should never be used in infants, children, coma patients, women in labor or during childbirth. Allergy … Jurnista®

Interactions with other drugs | Jurnista®

Interactions with other drugs If any of the following drugs are taken, the use of Jurnista® should be avoided, as the drugs may influence each other in their effects or increase the risk of side effects occurring MAO inhibitors against depression Morphine-like analgesics (buprenorphine, nalbuphine, pentazocine) Medication for muscle relaxation (e.g. for back pain) Drugs … Interactions with other drugs | Jurnista®

Side effects | Jurnista®

Side effects Particularly frequent side effects when taking Jurnista® are Common side effects are: Unusually strong tiredness, drowsiness, weakness Headache, dizziness Constipation, nausea, vomiting Weight loss, loss of appetite, severe fluid loss, “dehydration Faster heartbeat, lower blood pressure, blushing, high blood pressure Forgetfulness, drowsiness, concentration difficulties Numbness, tingling/ burning skin, muscle trembling/twitching, dullness, changes in … Side effects | Jurnista®