Concentric Sclerosis Baló: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Baló disease is a neurological disorder also known as concentric sclerosis, which is the acute variant of multiple sclerosis. Damage in the white matter, which forms a highly visible ring pattern due to demyelination, is the main feature of Baló disease. Treatment is usually with medication. What is Baló disease? Spiral demyelination of the white … Concentric Sclerosis Baló: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hyperesthesia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hyperesthesia refers to increased sensitivity to touch and sensory stimuli, which often manifests as pain. It is closely associated with other sensitivity disorders that represent either hypersensitivity or decreased sensitivity. What is hyperesthesia? The term hyperesthesia is used in both neurology and psychology. In neurology, it is often associated with an increased sensitivity to pain … Hyperesthesia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hyperalgesia: Causes, Treatment & Help

Patients of hyperalgesia experience mildly painful stimuli with a higher intensity. This reduction in pain threshold is mediated by either the central or peripheral nervous system. Therapy is provided by conservative treatment steps such as pain management. What is hyperalgesia? Pain threshold is a variable quantity and thus subject to fluctuation. People consequently have different … Hyperalgesia: Causes, Treatment & Help

Allesthesia: Causes, Treatment & Help

In allesthesias, patients do not perceive touch, temperature stimuli, or pain stimuli on the irritated area, but assign them to another part of the body. The cause is often a parietal lobe lesion, such as one that can be triggered by a cerebral infarction. Physical therapy training can bring about improvement. What is allesthesia? Allesthesia … Allesthesia: Causes, Treatment & Help