Duration of sick leave | Duration of oral thrush

Duration of sick leave

Due to the already mentioned, sometimes very painful, symptoms, patients should stay at home until the blisters have healed. Bed rest is important so that the body can also recover from the fever attacks and regain its strength. Patients should also stay at home so that the risk of infection for people in the vicinity can be minimized.

Mouth rot is transmitted via droplet infection, which can be transmitted by coughing, sneezing or simply speaking. The doctor (family doctor, paediatrician or dentist) should therefore write a sick note to the affected person until the herpes blisters heal and the patient is free of symptoms. This is usually the case after 7-10 days.

Duration until my child is allowed to go back to the KiTa

Mouth rot is very contagious and is transmitted via droplet infection. Especially small children in day-care centres or kindergartens can quickly become infected because toys are divided and are often touched with lips beforehand and the children are in close contact with each other. Only after the blisters have completely healed and dried out is the infection phase over. Only then should the child go back to the nursery or kindergarten. As already mentioned, the duration of the illness is usually 7-10 days, but in some cases it can last longer.

Duration of medication intake

Mouth rot is a disease that is treated symptomatically. Therefore, the symptoms are treated without being able to cure the cause. Usually the mouth rot heals itself after about one week without any consequences.

The fever can be reduced with paracetamol, but the maximum daily dose must not be exceeded. Paracetamol should not be taken for more than 3 days without medical advice. For the painful blisters, local anaesthetic ointments such as Dynexan can be applied.

This is an ointment which is used for the symptomatic treatment of pain in the oral mucosa, gums and lips. The exact dosage should be taken from the package insert, as there are differences in use between children and adults. If the symptoms do not improve within a week, a dentist or doctor should be consulted.

Duration until you are no longer contagious

The virus that causes oral thrush is contagious and is transmitted via a simple droplet infection. The initial infection usually goes unnoticed, as not everyone who is infected shows symptoms. Most people therefore carry the virus inside themselves without it breaking out.

Nevertheless, there are also people who show the symptoms mentioned above. If the virus breaks out, one can assume a potential risk of infection of about 2 weeks.