Causes of dark circles under the eyes of a child | Causes of dark circles under the eyes

Causes of dark circles under the eyes of a child Circles under the eyes can already appear in childhood. This often gives outsiders the impression of a poor general condition. However, especially with small children, dark circles often appear as a side effect of a cold. In children, the skin under the eyes is much … Causes of dark circles under the eyes of a child | Causes of dark circles under the eyes

Domestic composition for the treatment of dark circles under the eyes | Causes of dark circles under the eyes

Domestic composition for the treatment of dark circles under the eyes First of all, enough sleep helps with dark circles under the eyes, which occur due to stress or lack of sleep. However, this is often not possible, or the dark circles remain because they are due to other causes. In such cases it is … Domestic composition for the treatment of dark circles under the eyes | Causes of dark circles under the eyes

Helpful cosmetic ingredients | How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Helpful cosmetic ingredients Creams and masking agents containing caffeine stimulate the blood circulation in the sensitive area around the eyes so that the thin vessels under the eyes appear less blue. Vitamin A is highly concentrated and brightens the eyes, which is why it is often used against pigmentation spots. If the dark circles around … Helpful cosmetic ingredients | How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Rash after Shaving

Symptoms In a mild course, there is a burning sensation (razor burn), redness, itching, and a rash after shaving that disappears within a few hours or a few days. A chronic and severe course, such as pseudofolliculitis barbae, manifests as an inflammatory reaction with papules and pustules, ingrown hairs, and even complications such as hyperpigmentation, … Rash after Shaving

McCune-Albright Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

McCune-Albright syndrome is a neurocutaneous syndrome manifested by café-au-lait spots and disturbances in bone metabolism. The cause of the hereditary disorder is a genetic mutation in the GNAS1 gene, which encodes a regulator of cAMP. Treatment focuses on the administration of bisphosphonates. What is McCune-Albright syndrome? The neurocutaneous syndromes are hereditary disorders whose leading symptoms … McCune-Albright Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Emtricitabine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Emtricitabine is a medical agent that belongs to the group of chemical analogues. Emtricitabine belongs to the nucleosides, more precisely to the substance cytidine. Emtricitabine exerts a virostatic effect in the human organism and for this reason is used, among other things, to treat HIV, both for people with HIV-1 and HIV-2. What is emtricitabine? … Emtricitabine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Pigment spots after pregnancy | Pigment spots on the face

Pigment spots after pregnancy In many pregnant women the nipples temporarily darken during pregnancy and the typical brown line from navel to pubic bone (Linea nigra) forms. Likewise, sharp, irregularly bordered pigmentation marks on the face can also occur. These pigment spots, known as pregnancy mask (chloasma), are caused by hormonal fluctuations. They are mainly … Pigment spots after pregnancy | Pigment spots on the face

Degeneration of pigment spots | Pigment spots on the face

Degeneration of pigment spots In the vast majority of cases, pigmentation marks on the face are harmless pigmentation disorders. In some cases, however, they can also be the expression of a malignant process or degenerate over time. It is often difficult for laypersons to judge whether this is the case, which is why people with … Degeneration of pigment spots | Pigment spots on the face

Meadow Grass Dermatitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Meadow grass dermatitis (dermatitis protensis, photodermatitis) is a skin inflammation caused due to certain extracts in plants and subsequent exposure to sunlight, which leads to severe pigmentation after healing. What is meadow grass dermatitis? Meadow grass dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition and occurs primarily in spring through fall. Most often, contact with certain plants … Meadow Grass Dermatitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment