Pain in the inner wrist

Definition – What causes pain on the thumb side of the wrist? Pain in the wrist can occur as a result of overstrain, illness or as a result of an accident. Depending on the cause, wrist pain often occurs on the inside and around the thumb. Causes of pain on the thumb side/inside of the … Pain in the inner wrist

Duration of inner wrist pain | Pain in the inner wrist

Duration of inner wrist pain Inflammations, like tendinitis de Quervain, rheumatoid arthritis or an inflammation of other genesis, show besides pain the classical signs of inflammation: Reddening, overheating, swelling, pain and a loss of function or movement in the area of the affected structures. If arthrosis in the thumb saddle joint is the cause of … Duration of inner wrist pain | Pain in the inner wrist

Pain in the shoulder

Synonyms in a broader sense Shoulder Pain Impingement Syndrome Tendinosis calcarea Torn rotator cuff Biceps tendon endinitis AC joint arthrosis Shoulder arthrosis (omarthrosis) Supraspinatus tendon syndrome Introduction The majority of people experience shoulder pain at some point in their lives. This may be caused by an injury, but it can also develop within the context … Pain in the shoulder

Self exercises for the thoracic spine in case of impingement syndrome

You are in the sub-theme Physiotherapy of Impingement Syndrome. You will find the start page of this topic under Physiotherapy of impingement syndrome. You will find the medical-orthopedic part under our sub-topic Impingement Syndrome. Therapy of the thoracic spine Technique : Mobilization of the thoracic spine extension movement (straightening, posture training) The choice of exercises … Self exercises for the thoracic spine in case of impingement syndrome

Symptoms | Torn tendon

Symptoms The symptoms of a torn tendon are usually very typical. Relatively simultaneously with the rupture event, a sudden and stabbing pain sets in at the corresponding tendon region. Since the pain is very strong, a torn tendon is noticed very quickly compared to other injuries of the musculoskeletal system.The only exception is the partial … Symptoms | Torn tendon