This can be done to shorten the course of pneumonia | Course of pneumonia

This can be done to shorten the course of pneumonia

The best way to shorten the course of pneumonia is to treat the cause of the disease. However, this is only possible in the case of a bacterial infection, i.e. the typical pneumonia. In this case antibiotics can be used against the pathogens.

In most cases, the symptoms improve after just a few doses of medication. All further measures can only be carried out symptom-oriented. For example, it is important to drink a lot.

The fever causes a lot of fluid to be sweated out. This amount of fluid must be reabsorbed by drinking. In addition, a large amount of water in the body also helps against low blood pressure, which is often associated with an infectious disease that causes severe listlessness and headaches.

Various calming agents can be taken for coughing. A lot of liquid also helps here, for example the typical teas for colds, which are also good for the throat. If the fever rises too much in the case of pneumonia, it can be lowered with cold compresses (for example) calf compresses.

However, the compresses should only be used during a phase in which the affected person is sweating. If there is a chill, they counteract the body’s reaction and are rather counterproductive. Furthermore, a lot of physical protection and rest is important. This gives the body the necessary energy to fight the pathogen.