Calculus Removal (Scaling): Scaling under the Gumline

Calculus deposits that adhere subgingivally, that is, below the gingival margin (the gum line) to the surfaces of the tooth roots, are called calculi. They mechanically irritate the soft tissues of the periodontium (the tooth-supporting apparatus) and promote the adhesion of microorganisms, whose toxins (bacterial poisons) can trigger the development of periodontitis (inflammation of the … Calculus Removal (Scaling): Scaling under the Gumline

Antibacterial Protective Coating: Antimicrobial Conditioning

In dentistry, antimicrobial conditioning is the application of a protective antibacterial varnish to selected tooth surfaces at increased risk of caries with the goal of reducing bacterial activity over an extended period of time. Composition and mode of action of the protective varnish For example, chlorhexidine (CHX) and thymol are used as antibacterially active substances … Antibacterial Protective Coating: Antimicrobial Conditioning

Choosing the Right Toothpaste

In order to select a toothpaste from the almost unmanageable offer, which seems suitable for the individual needs, its cleaning effect with protection of the tooth substance and its respective indication (synonym: healing indication) must be considered. Brushing teeth is essential for the lifelong preservation of oral health. A suitable brushing technique, a toothbrush and … Choosing the Right Toothpaste

Endocarditis: Preventive Measures

Endocarditis is a bacterial inflammation of the endocardium (inner lining of the heart) that is subacute or highly acute and is associated with a high mortality rate. Since bacteria from the oral cavity can enter the vascular system during dental procedures and cause transient bacteremia (presence of bacteria in the blood), there is a risk … Endocarditis: Preventive Measures


The loss of a tooth is relatively common. Whether it is knocked out of the oral cavity by an accident or whether periodontitis has destroyed the periodontium in such a way that it can no longer hold the tooth, both have the consequence that the tooth can no longer remain in the oral cavity. It … Implantology

Fear of the Dentist (Anxiety)

Although many people find a visit to the dentist unpleasant, this fear is so pronounced in only a few people that they do not go to the dentist. About twenty percent of Germans are afraid of dental treatment, and about five percent avoid going to the dentist altogether. Fear of the dentist is a recognized … Fear of the Dentist (Anxiety)

Dental Plaque

Nowadays, healthy teeth are an important part of personal well-being. Diseases that can affect the health of our teeth are caries (tooth decay) and periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontium). Both diseases are significantly caused by plaque, the so-called dental plaque. Plaque is an accumulation of bacteria that adheres firmly to the teeth and dentures and … Dental Plaque


Tooth crowding (synonyms: Tooth position anomalies; abnormal tooth crowding; anomalous tooth crowding; acquired absence of teeth with defective occlusion; defective bite due to missing teeth; dentition anomaly; impacted tooth with abnormal position; impacted tooth with abnormal position of adjacent teeth; impacted tooth with abnormal position; impacted tooth with abnormal position of adjacent teeth; impacted and … Teething