PerioChip: Antibacterial Chip

A PerioChip is a gelatin platelet containing the active ingredient chlorhexidine. The chip is used to reduce germs in gingival pockets on teeth damaged by periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontium), where it exerts its depot effect, effectively helping to contain periodontitis. The antiseptic chlorhexidine (synonyms: chlorhexidine digluconate, chlorhexidine bis (D-gluconate), CHX) has been used in … PerioChip: Antibacterial Chip

Vector Method

The Vector method is an ultrasonic procedure that removes calculus (hard deposits on the tooth root surface), germs and their endotoxins (bacterial toxins) from the periodontal pocket with little pain and while protecting the tissue structures. Periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontium) is a bacterially triggered disease of the periodontium, which is accompanied by an inflammatory … Vector Method

Calculus Removal (Scaling): Scaling under the Gumline

Calculus deposits that adhere subgingivally, that is, below the gingival margin (the gum line) to the surfaces of the tooth roots, are called calculi. They mechanically irritate the soft tissues of the periodontium (the tooth-supporting apparatus) and promote the adhesion of microorganisms, whose toxins (bacterial poisons) can trigger the development of periodontitis (inflammation of the … Calculus Removal (Scaling): Scaling under the Gumline

Periodontal Surgery

Surgical procedures on the periodontium (periodontal apparatus) aim, on the one hand, to treat periodontal pockets under vision in order to achieve a state of periodontal health by eliminating (removing) calculus (tartar below the gums) and periodontopathogenic microorganisms. In addition, periodontal surgery (periodontal surgery) is used to correct mucogingival problems such as recession (exposed tooth … Periodontal Surgery

Periodontal Screening Index

By collecting the Periodontal Screening Index (PSI), dentists can easily determine the severity of periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontium) as part of routine examinations and initiate therapeutic measures at an early stage if treatment is needed. The PSI was developed in the 1990s. While it has been a mandatory part of every routine dental examination … Periodontal Screening Index


Periodontology is the study of the periodontium (periodontal apparatus). It deals with the diagnosis and treatment of periodontopathies (periodontal diseases). Periodontal diseases include all inflammatory pathological (pathological) changes of the periodontium. The most common periodontal disease is periodontitis. It has become very important in recent decades. This is because it is no longer just a … Periodontics

Tetracycline Thread

A tetracycline thread is a thread impregnated with the antibiotic tetracycline for local application in periodontal pockets (gum pockets colonized by bacterial plaque). Tetracycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic produced by streptomyces (Streptomyces aureofaciens) and is used against numerous bacterial infections. The filaments continuously release tetracycline into the diseased periodontal pocket for more than seven days. … Tetracycline Thread

Supportive Periodontal Therapy

The results of extensive periodontal therapy (treatment of periodontal inflammation) can only be permanently stabilized if the patient subsequently undergoes the program of supportive periodontal therapy (UPT; synonyms: Supportive Periodontal Therapy; Periodontal Maintenance Therapy; PET). Periodontitis (synonyms: periodontitis apicalis; alveolar pyorrhea; pyorrhea alveolaris; inflammatory periodontopathy; ICD-10 – Acute periodontitis: K05.2; Chronic periodontitis: K05. 3; colloquialism: … Supportive Periodontal Therapy