Cerec Inlay

A Cerec inlay is an indirectly (outside the mouth) fabricated ceramic inlay filling; here the abbreviation Cerec stands for ceramic reconstruction. The great advantage of this type of filling restoration compared to other esthetic restorations is that the restoration is made of high-quality ceramic and can be fabricated without an impression within one treatment session … Cerec Inlay

Fissure Sealing

Fissure sealing is the caries prophylactic filling (filling to prevent caries) of tooth fissures (tooth grooves) and pits with thin flowing filling material. The occlusal surface of a posterior tooth consists of so-called cusps and the deeply furrowing fissures between them. Many small transverse fissures extend from a sinuous longitudinal fissure. This relief, which is … Fissure Sealing

Filling Therapy

Modern dentistry has a wide range of options and materials for restoring (reconstructing) teeth that have been affected by trauma (a dental accident) or caries. The tried-and-tested materials of gold and amalgam are constantly being supplemented by new or further developments, the advantages of which lie not only in their esthetics but also in their … Filling Therapy


A galvano inlay is a ceramic filling produced in a dental laboratory, in which the surfaces facing the tooth structure and a delicate margin extending beyond the ceramic are made of a thin layer of fine gold. Thus, the electroformed inlay occupies an intermediate position between gold and all-ceramic inlays. The technique aims to combine … Galvanoinlay

Gold Inlay for Teeth

Gold inlays (synonyms: gold cast inlays, gold cast fillings) are dental fillings made indirectly (outside the mouth) in the dental laboratory and inserted with luting cement into the tooth previously prepared (ground) using a specific technique. A gold inlay is used to treat cavities (holes) in the posterior teeth and extends spatially over the fissures … Gold Inlay for Teeth

Root Canal Treatment Procedure

Root canal treatment is an endodontic procedure (treatment of the inside of the tooth) with the aim of removing the irreversibly (irreversibly) diseased pulp (tooth pulp) and, after disinfecting measures, sealing the resulting cavity with a root canal filling to make it bacteria-proof. Root canal treatment is indicated for devitalized (dead) or irreversibly inflamed pulp … Root Canal Treatment Procedure

Amalgam Filling in Dentistry

An amalgam filling – colloquially called a filling – is a dental filling material that is usually an alloy of mercury with silver, copper, indium, tin and zinc. Amalgam has been used worldwide for many decades as a very durable filling material due to its good mechanical material properties. It is the only filling material … Amalgam Filling in Dentistry