These streptococcal infections exist | Streptococci

These streptococcal infections exist The different streptococci can cause very different ranges of infections. Therefore, the most important bacteria and their typical clinical pictures will be discussed. Within the group of alpha-hemolytic streptococci, pneumococci (Streptococcus pneumoniae) are probably the most important representatives. As its name already indicates, they like to trigger pneumonia (pneumonia). However, an … These streptococcal infections exist | Streptococci

So infectious are streptococci | Streptococci

So infectious are streptococci There is no exact measure for the “contagiousness” of bacteria. However, streptococci can spread via various pathways, which favours infection. If streptococci are treated with antibiotics, they are no longer infectious after about 24 hours. If the antibiotic therapy is discontinued prematurely or without antibiotics, streptococci can still be contagious for … So infectious are streptococci | Streptococci

Which antibiotics help best against streptococci? | Streptococci

Which antibiotics help best against streptococci? Pneumonia is most commonly caused by pneumococcus, especially in young adults. Typical symptoms are high fever, purulent sputum and increased respiratory rate with shortness of breath. The antibiotic of choice for pneumococcal pneumonia are aminopenicillins, such as amoxicillin. Pneumonia in newborns can be caused by Streptococcus agalactiae in addition … Which antibiotics help best against streptococci? | Streptococci

What is streptococcal angina? | Streptococci

What is streptococcal angina? Streptococcal angina, also called acute tonsillar angina, is an inflammation of the palatal tonsils. The most common pathogen of this disease is Streptococcus pyogenes. Especially children between the ages of 3 and 14 years of age are more frequently affected by this angina. The streptococci are transmitted from one person to … What is streptococcal angina? | Streptococci

Treatment of a Chlamydia infection

Introduction Chlamydia infections are widespread. The transmission takes place through sexual intercourse. Chlamydia infections often do not cause any symptoms. However, detection and treatment of chlamydia infection is very important, as it can have serious consequences such as infertility. Chlamydia is a bacterium. Therefore antibiotics are used for treatment. As a rule, the treatment is … Treatment of a Chlamydia infection

What to do if you still have symptoms after chlamydia treatment? | Treatment of a Chlamydia infection

What to do if you still have symptoms after chlamydia treatment? Unfortunately, relapses (so-called recurrences) or new infections occur frequently, which can be a cause for the persisting symptoms. In this case a renewed intake of antibiotics is necessary. In some cases, antibiotics must be taken several times in a row for successful treatment of … What to do if you still have symptoms after chlamydia treatment? | Treatment of a Chlamydia infection

How long after the treatment are you still contagious? | Treatment of a Chlamydia infection

How long after the treatment are you still contagious? After the end of the therapy one is no longer contagious, provided that it was successful. At the latest after the negative follow-up, you can be sure that you are no longer contagious. But even before that, you are no longer contagious after taking the antibiotics, … How long after the treatment are you still contagious? | Treatment of a Chlamydia infection

Symptoms | Diaphragm inflammation – How dangerous is it?

Symptoms The symptoms of diaphragmatic inflammation are usually very clear. There is a pain in the diaphragm when breathing, which can lead to shortness of breath. In addition, the patient feels an uncomfortable pressure on the costal arch. This pressure is particularly strong when talking, laughing or coughing, as the diaphragm is subjected to particularly … Symptoms | Diaphragm inflammation – How dangerous is it?

These home remedies help with diaphragmatic inflammation | Diaphragm inflammation – How dangerous is it?

These home remedies help with diaphragmatic inflammation The rare diaphragmatic inflammation should be clarified medically before a treatment first, since different disease pictures are possible as causes. The causes can be infectious, mechanical or chemical and therefore require very different treatment strategies. Home remedies can be used as a supplement and to alleviate symptoms. Household … These home remedies help with diaphragmatic inflammation | Diaphragm inflammation – How dangerous is it?