Duration | Volkmann Triangle


After a fracture of the ankle joint with the formation of a Volkmann’s triangle, both conservative and surgical treatment requires a relief of the affected ankle for at least six weeks. During this time, the leg must not be loaded at all at first, and later partially. A stabilizing splint is also worn.

Subsequently, a physiotherapeutic exercise of the ankle joint can take place. Depending on physical fitness and progress in physiotherapy, one should expect a period of several to several weeks. It usually takes about 3 months before the ankle is fully functional for sports again, depending on the type of sport being performed. A delay in the healing period can occur if the swelling of the ankle joint is so severe at the beginning that surgery cannot be performed. It usually takes about two weeks until the swelling subsides and therapy can be started.

Course of healing

The healing process of a Volkmann Triangle is initially dependent on whether conservative or surgical treatment is used. With conservative treatment, the bone must grow together by itself. In the process, a bony structure, called callus, is initially formed, which forms bone bridges.

These must then harden so that they are able to bear the load of normal bone again. During an operation, the fracture surfaces are pressed directly together by screws and plates. This allows for more direct bone healing.

In the meantime, the load on the ankle joint rests on the screws and plates that have been inserted. After the bone has healed, physiotherapy is performed to restore the muscular stability of the ankle. Strength and stabilization exercises can gradually improve coordination. Depending on the desired goal (ability to cope with everyday life, sports ability, extreme sports ability), the training can be terminated when the therapeutic goal is reached.