Inflammation of the quadriceps tendon

Definition The quadriceps tendon is the muscle attachment tendon of the powerful Musculus Quadriceps, which is located on the front of the thigh and is responsible for the powerful extension of the knee. While the different muscle parts originate from different structures, the quadriceps tendon attaches to the tibial tuberosity, which is prominently located on … Inflammation of the quadriceps tendon

Symptoms | Inflammation of the quadriceps tendon

Symptoms The inflammation of the quadriceps tendon becomes apparent to the affected person primarily through a point-like pressure pain exactly above the corresponding tendon section. The inflammation and thus the pressure pain typically occurs at three points: Either at the upper edge of the patella, the lower edge or the tibial tuberosity of the tibia. … Symptoms | Inflammation of the quadriceps tendon

Prophylaxis | Inflammation of the quadriceps tendon

Prophylaxis In order to counteract inflammation of the quadriceps tendon, it is recommended to avoid overloading especially the quadriceps tendon when there is sufficient physical activity. This does not automatically mean that no more sports should be practiced, but that triggering movements should only be carried out in moderation. It can also help to increase … Prophylaxis | Inflammation of the quadriceps tendon

Patellar Tendon Inflammation

Synonyms Runner’s knee Introduction Patellar tendonitis is a painful disease of the connective tissue ligament that connects the patella and the tibia. In the vast majority of cases, patellar tendon inflammation affects only one side, but bilateral patellar tendon inflammation occurs in about 10-20% of cases. The most common cause is chronic overloading, often in … Patellar Tendon Inflammation

Diagnosis Patellar Tendon Inflammation | Patellar Tendon Inflammation

Diagnosis Patellar Tendon Inflammation The determination (diagnosis) of patellar tendon inflammation is usually based on the clinical picture obtained by the attending physician through detailed questioning (anamnesis) and clinical physical examination. The medical history indicates a gradual onset of symptoms, especially pain below the kneecap (infrapatellar) with repeated, unusually high strain on the leg extensors, … Diagnosis Patellar Tendon Inflammation | Patellar Tendon Inflammation