Testicular hernia

Introduction A testicular hernia is also called a scrotal hernia. Despite the misleading name, it is not a testicular hernia but a tear in the abdominal wall through which a part of the intestines sinks into the scrotum. Often a testicular hernia develops from an advanced inguinal hernia. Especially children and men between the ages … Testicular hernia

Associated symptoms | Testicular hernia

Associated symptoms Especially small testicular hernias can often be symptom-free, whereas larger hernias are always accompanied by accompanying symptoms. Typically, the symptoms are aggravated when coughing, pressing or carrying heavy loads, as this increases the pressure in the abdominal cavity. Depending on the size of the hernia, the following symptoms may occur: Scrotal hernias also … Associated symptoms | Testicular hernia

Causes of functional intestinal obstruction | Causes of intestinal obstruction

Causes of functional intestinal obstruction A paralytic ileus is caused by a functional disorder of the intestine and is also called intestinal paralysis. This means that the intestine is continuous and not interrupted by a mechanical obstacle. A further distinction is made between primary and secondary paralytic ileus. The reason for a primary functional ileus … Causes of functional intestinal obstruction | Causes of intestinal obstruction

Causes of intestinal obstruction

Introduction An intestinal obstruction (ileus) is a disturbance of the intestinal passage through a constriction or strangulation. As a result, the intestinal contents can no longer be transported further towards the anus and excreted, resulting in a congestion of faeces and the typical symptoms of an ileus, such as severe abdominal pain, vomiting, flatulence and … Causes of intestinal obstruction

Pubitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In professional circles, inflammation of the pubic bone is also called osteitis pubis. The term “inflammation” is misleading in that the symptoms are not caused by infections. Rather, they generally stem from repeated trauma to the affected areas due to misuse or overuse. What is inflammation of the pubic bone? Pubic osteitis primarily affects the … Pubitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Accompanying symptoms of testicular swelling | Testicle is enlarged and swollen

Accompanying symptoms of testicular swelling Pain is a common symptom of testicular swelling. It is associated with almost all causes. Inflammation is also accompanied by a reddening of the testicles. This can also occur with other causes. Epididymitis is sometimes accompanied by a urinary tract infection. Among other things, this leads to pain when urinating. … Accompanying symptoms of testicular swelling | Testicle is enlarged and swollen

Treatment of a swollen testicle | Testicle is enlarged and swollen

Treatment of a swollen testicle Since many serious diseases are possible causes for testicular swelling, a doctor should be consulted in any case. If it turns out to be testicular cancer, it must be removed surgically. Depending on the stage or spread of the tumor, additional chemotherapy is administered. Even if testicular cancer has metastases … Treatment of a swollen testicle | Testicle is enlarged and swollen