Diagnosis of lung pain when coughing | Lung pain when coughing

Diagnosis of lung pain when coughing Lung pain when coughing is initially a symptom that can indicate many illnesses. The most important step in the diagnosis is the doctor-patient consultation. During this discussion, the physician asks the person concerned about the type of symptoms as well as triggers and the course of the disease. Often … Diagnosis of lung pain when coughing | Lung pain when coughing

Duration and prognosis of lung pain when coughing | Lung pain when coughing

Duration and prognosis of lung pain when coughing Lung pain when coughing will subside when the trigger of the cough is treated. If there are causes such as infectious diseases, these are usually healed within one to two weeks. Serious infections such as pneumonia or inflammation of the pleura and pleura can last much longer. … Duration and prognosis of lung pain when coughing | Lung pain when coughing

Home remedy for vocal chord inflammation

Introduction Inflammation of the vocal cords is an inflammatory disease of the vocal cords, often caused by overloading or infection. An inflammation of the vocal cords can spread to an inflammation of the larynx. It is therefore advisable to treat the inflammation early. The symptoms are usually sore throat, cough, hoarseness and possibly pain when … Home remedy for vocal chord inflammation


Introduction The word inhalation has its origin in Latin and means “to breathe in”. In inhalation, droplets are inhaled and thus transported into the upper respiratory tract, and in some cases down to the lower airways. Inhalations are widely used, for example, for colds and flu. In this case, they serve to dissolve mucus. In … Inhalation

Inhalation for colds and coughs | Inhalation

Inhalation for colds and coughs The classic cold can be caused by viruses and bacteria and includes cough, rhinitis, hoarseness and fatigue, weakness and possibly fever. In contrast to bronchitis, the affected airways often lie above the vocal folds and include the nose, paranasal sinuses, throat and windpipe. These sections of the respiratory tract can … Inhalation for colds and coughs | Inhalation

Duration | Chronic cold

Duration In order for a cold to be considered chronic, it must have been present for several weeks. How long the illness lasts depends on several factors. A chronic cold can have clear causes such as a weakened immune system. As long as such a cause persists, the chronic cold can also last. Especially if … Duration | Chronic cold

Chronic cold

What is a chronic cold? Everyone knows the common cold. It usually heals within a few days. However, sometimes a cold can last for a longer period of time. The danger of this is especially great if a cold has not been cured properly. In the case of a chronic cold, the typical symptoms of … Chronic cold

Other accompanying symptoms | Pain when breathing under the ribs

Other accompanying symptoms Depending on the cause of the pain when breathing under the ribs, other accompanying symptoms may also occur. In most cases, the pain is improved by shallow breathing and intensified by increased breathing such as during physical exertion. Frequently, other pain is associated with the symptoms, such as pain in other parts … Other accompanying symptoms | Pain when breathing under the ribs