Asian (Japanese) bush mosquito

Definition The Asian or Japanese bush mosquito is native to parts of China, Korea and Japan and can transmit diseases to animals and humans through its bite. In recent years, the insect has been introduced to other parts of the world and has spread to North America and also to some regions in Europe. Within … Asian (Japanese) bush mosquito

Swollen wrists

Definition If wrists are swollen, this can be attributed to fluid that for various reasons remains in the tissue of the wrist or in the hand in general. This can be blood, for example, which can drain more poorly, or lymph fluid. In addition, the wrist can be swollen when it is inflamed, as a … Swollen wrists

With participation of the feet | Swollen wrists

With participation of the feet Simultaneous swelling of the wrist and feet indicates a non-local cause. Particularly at an advanced age, fluid retention due to poor vascular conditions or insufficient cardiac work must be considered. Restricted kidney function and thus less fluid excretion can also cause swelling of the feet and hands. In this case, … With participation of the feet | Swollen wrists

You can recognize a bite of the Asian tiger mosquito by these symptoms

The Asian tiger mosquito has its original habitat, as the name suggests, in the south and southeast Asian (sub-)tropics. Due to climate change, it has been displaced worldwide in recent years by travel activities and the transport of goods. This mosquito is a potential carrier of the Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika viruses, which can cause … You can recognize a bite of the Asian tiger mosquito by these symptoms

Symptoms of dengue fever | You can recognize a bite of the Asian tiger mosquito by these symptoms

Symptoms of dengue fever An infection with the dengue virus is asymptomatic in 90% of cases, which means that the patient does not notice anything. 10% of the patients fall ill with symptomatic dengue fever, especially children are affected by severe symptomatic courses. The symptoms can be divided into three stages. and its treatment. The … Symptoms of dengue fever | You can recognize a bite of the Asian tiger mosquito by these symptoms

Is there an obligation to report when I am stung? | You can recognize a bite of the Asian tiger mosquito by these symptoms

Is there an obligation to report when I am stung? There is no obligation to notify after the pure sting, as a sting does not automatically mean infection with one of the pathogens mentioned. According to the Infection Protection Act, there is an obligation to report by name if there is a suspicion of disease, … Is there an obligation to report when I am stung? | You can recognize a bite of the Asian tiger mosquito by these symptoms