Diagnosis | Diabetes insipidus

Diagnosis There are essentially two options available for the clinical diagnosis of diabetes insipidus. In both cases the urinosmolarity is measured, i.e. the concentration of urine. On the one hand, the so-called thirst test is available to physicians. However, this is based on the cooperation of the patient. In the thirst test, which should last … Diagnosis | Diabetes insipidus

Laboratory | Diabetes insipidus

Laboratory There are various laboratory values and urine parameters that allow a differential diagnosis between a diabtes insipitus renalis or a diabetes insipitus centralis and other urinary concentration disorders. The main symptoms are a decreased sodium concentration and a reduced osmolality of the urine. This is due to the increased excretion of water and thus … Laboratory | Diabetes insipidus

The accompanying symptoms | Diarrhea and fever

The accompanying symptoms The symptoms that accompany diarrhea and fever are usually other general symptoms. For example, diarrhea is often accompanied by abdominal pain and flatulence. The abdominal pain can be so severe that stomach and abdominal cramps develop. Headaches can also occur, especially if the infection means that not enough fluid is absorbed. Fever … The accompanying symptoms | Diarrhea and fever

The duration | Diarrhea and fever

The duration How long the symptoms of diarrhea and fever last depends strongly on the cause. Infectious triggers such as spoiled food and viruses are usually healed after a few days without consequences. Bacterial diarrheal diseases also usually heal within seven to ten days without complications, occasionally the administration of antibiotics is necessary. An appendicitis … The duration | Diarrhea and fever

Dizziness when getting up

Definition Suddenly standing up from a sitting or lying position may cause dizziness or blackness. This is due to a temporary reduction in the blood flow to the brain caused by the blood sinking into the veins of the legs and the resulting drop in blood pressure. One can distinguish different types of dizziness, among … Dizziness when getting up

Causes of dizziness when getting up | Dizziness when getting up

Causes of dizziness when getting up Dizziness when standing up can have different causes but the situations in which it occurs are also important to consider. In the following you will find a list of the different situations and the most common causes of dizziness. Dizziness when bending One-sided dizziness Dizziness with closed eyes Dizziness … Causes of dizziness when getting up | Dizziness when getting up

Other causes of dizziness when getting up | Dizziness when getting up

Other causes of dizziness when getting up As a rule, dizziness on getting up is idiopathic, i.e. it occurs without a known cause. It affects primarily young women and slim people with thin and long limbs. However, dizziness when getting up can also be caused by various underlying diseases. Venous valve insufficiency Diabetes Decrease of … Other causes of dizziness when getting up | Dizziness when getting up

Therapy of dizziness when getting up | Dizziness when getting up

Therapy of dizziness when getting up Normally, if the blood pressure is too low, no therapy needs to be considered. Simple measures can be taken to counteract it and thus possibly also positively influence the dizziness when getting up.You can easily do the following yourself: Only in serious cases should a medical therapy be followed … Therapy of dizziness when getting up | Dizziness when getting up