The anaesthetic induction

Definition Anaesthesia induction is the process of preparing the patient for anaesthesia, an artificially induced state of unconsciousness and painlessness. These preparations follow a fixed scheme. The anaesthetic induction is followed by the anaesthetic continuation, during which this state of unconsciousness is maintained until the operation is finished and the patient can wake up from … The anaesthetic induction

Anaesthesia despite or with a cold

Anesthesia is always associated with a certain risk, so it is important to inform the anesthesiologist (anesthesiologist) of any abnormalities, diseases or a cold. For this purpose, the anesthesiologist who is present during the surgery always has a conversation with the patient before each surgery to inform him/her about risks and possible complications. Normally, surgery … Anaesthesia despite or with a cold

Anesthesia for lung diseases | Anaesthesia despite or with a cold

Anesthesia for lung diseases Patients who have chronic lung disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD for short) or suffer from severe asthma should also mention this to the anesthesiologist. The anaesthetist can then decide whether anaesthesia is really sensible and safe despite a cold, which puts a further strain on the lungs. In most cases, … Anesthesia for lung diseases | Anaesthesia despite or with a cold

Hereditary angioedema

Definition – what is hereditary angioedema? Angioedema is a swelling of the skin and/or mucous membrane that can occur acutely and particularly in the area of the face and respiratory tract. It can last for several days. A distinction is made between a hereditary and a non-hereditary form. Hereditary means hereditary, inherited or congenital. Hereditary … Hereditary angioedema

Associated symptoms | Hereditary angioedema

Associated symptoms The typical symptoms of hereditary angioedema are recurrent swelling of the skin (especially on the face) and/or the mucous membrane in the gastrointestinal tract or in the respiratory tract. Possible signs of an approaching attack (prodromia) may include symptoms such as fatigue, exhaustion, increased thirst, aggression and depressive mood. This is followed by … Associated symptoms | Hereditary angioedema

Course of the disease hereditary angioedema | Hereditary angioedema

Course of the disease hereditary angioedema Hereditary angioedema most often manifests itself by the age of 10. A later first manifestation is rather rare. In the further course of the disease, recurrent attacks with swelling or gastrointestinal complaints occur. In some patients only skin swelling occurs, in others only gastrointestinal symptoms. The frequency of attacks … Course of the disease hereditary angioedema | Hereditary angioedema

How does hereditary angioedema differ from “normal” angioedema? | Hereditary angioedema

How does hereditary angioedema differ from “normal” angioedema? Angioedema is a symptom that occurs in the context of two different diseases. The strict differentiation of the two clinical pictures is important because the development and also the treatment of the diseases are clearly different. While hereditary angioedema is a hereditary disease caused by a lack … How does hereditary angioedema differ from “normal” angioedema? | Hereditary angioedema

Treatment of hereditary angioedema | Hereditary angioedema

Treatment of hereditary angioedema It is essential to bear in mind that hereditary angioedema is a potentially life-threatening disease, since swelling of the airways without adequate measures being taken can lead to rapid death by suffocation. Therefore, it is crucial to provide the patient with an emergency ID card, which should be carried with him/her … Treatment of hereditary angioedema | Hereditary angioedema