Ipecacuanha Health Benefits

Stem plant (Brot.) A. Rich, Rubiaceae – matto-grosso ipecacuanha. Karsten, Rubiaceae – Costa Rica ipecacuanha. Medicinal drug Ipecacuanhae radix – Ipecacuanha root: Ipecacuanha root consists of the crushed and dried underground organs of (bread.) A. Rich, known as Matto-Grosso Ipecacuanha, or of Karsten, known as Costa Rica Ipecacuanha, or of a mixture of both species … Ipecacuanha Health Benefits


Effects emetic: induce vomiting Active ingredients Dopamine agonists: Apomorphine Herbal emetics: Emetic root: ipecacuanha, emetine and corresponding preparations. Other: Copper sulfate (obsolete) Sodium chloride Xylazine in veterinary medicine


Products Expectorants are commercially available in the form of cough syrups, drops, tablets, powders, granules, pastilles, and lozenges, among others. Structure and properties Natural (herbal), semisynthetic, and synthetic agents are used. Effects Expectorants liquefy and loosen tough mucus in the respiratory tract and promote expectoration. Mucolytic: liquefy bronchial mucus. Secretolytic: promotes production of a thin … Expectorant

Nausea and Vomiting

Symptoms Nausea is an unpleasant and painless sensation that can lead to vomiting. Vomiting is an autonomic response of the body in which the stomach contents are expelled through the mouth with contraction of the muscles. Its primary purpose is to protect the body from toxic and inedible foods and harmful substances. Nausea may be … Nausea and Vomiting


Other term ipecac Application of Ipecacuanha for the following diseases in homeopathy Bronchitis Whooping cough with a lot of slime rattling and a feeling of suffocation Asthma Hay fever (runny nose with a lot of sneezing Migraine Gastric mucosa inflammation Use of Ipecacuanha for the following symptoms Large bubble rattling over the entire lung Inflammation … Ipecacuanha