Iron metabolism

Note You are in a sub-theme of the Anemia section. You can find general information on this topic under: Anemia Iron metabolism and iron deficiency anemia Iron deficiency anemia develops slowly over weeks and months. The daily iron requirement (iron metabolism) is 1 – 2 mg per day. The body has a storage of about … Iron metabolism

Herbal Blood

General information Herbal blood, often sold under the name Floradix®, is a drug that is mainly used in the treatment of iron deficiency. It is also frequently used during pregnancy. The herbal blood is available in different dosage forms and can therefore be used individually. It is available without prescription in pharmacies or health food … Herbal Blood

Ingredients | Herbal Blood

Ingredients The ingredients of herbal blood differ depending on the type of dosage form. The main component of all forms is iron II gluconate. There are also additives such as folic acid or vitamin B12. Both additives are usually noted directly in the name on the packaging so that they can be found quickly. Also … Ingredients | Herbal Blood

Herbal blood as capsules | Herbal Blood

Herbal blood as capsules Capsules are also one of the many dosage forms of herbal blood. The herbal blood capsule is only available in combination with B vitamins. Here the vitamin groups B1, B2, B6 and B12 are contained. In contrast to the tablets, they contain significantly less iron. Only 14 milligrams of iron are … Herbal blood as capsules | Herbal Blood


Synonyms Anemia, blood deficiency, bleach-seeking English: anemia Definition Anemia is a common symptom. Anemia is a reduction in the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes), the red blood pigment (haemoglobin) and/or the cellular component of the blood (haematocrit). The haematocrit describes the percentage of blood cells in the total blood volume. The erythrocytes are formed … Anemia

Anemia symptoms | Anemia

Anemia symptoms The various symptoms of anaemia are either a direct result of the oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) or the body’s compensation mechanisms. Often, the patients’ first symptoms are tiredness and exhaustion. Due to the oxygen deficiency, the skin and mucous membranes are often pale. As the brain also cannot get enough oxygen: occur. If the … Anemia symptoms | Anemia

Prognosis of anaemia | Anemia

Prognosis of anaemia The prognosis of anaemia also depends on the cause and cooperation (compliance) of the patient. The spectrum ranges from temporary substitution (of e.g. iron) to the lifelong administration of vitamins. Certain forms are even fatal if left untreated. Summary Anemia is a common disease which can have various causes. These range from … Prognosis of anaemia | Anemia