Cervical spine exercises | Physiotherapy for a pinched nerve

Cervical spine exercises If a nerve is pinched in the cervical spine, other symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, tinnitus or nausea can also occur. The following exercises reduce the pain and promote mobility. Exercise 1: The patient lies on a mat in supine position. The legs are set up and the hands are lying next … Cervical spine exercises | Physiotherapy for a pinched nerve

Exercises LWS | Physiotherapy for a pinched nerve

Exercises LWS Since the lumbar spine is in a hollow-cross position, strong mechanical loads occur here. This makes it all the more important to loosen the muscles of the lumbar spine and then strengthen them. Exercise 1: The affected person stands approximately hip-wide with the toes pointing forward. The knees are slightly bent. The hands … Exercises LWS | Physiotherapy for a pinched nerve