Exercises LWS | Physiotherapy for a pinched nerve

Exercises LWS

Since the lumbar spine is in a hollow-cross position, strong mechanical loads occur here. This makes it all the more important to loosen the muscles of the lumbar spine and then strengthen them. Exercise 1: The affected person stands approximately hip-wide with the toes pointing forward.

The knees are slightly bent. The hands are supported laterally on the iliac crests. Now the pelvis is tilted forward and backward in one fluid movement if possible.

Tense the abdomen and straighten the thoracic spine. At the beginning it is helpful to do the exercise in front of a mirror. Exercise 2: The patient lies on a mat in a supine position.

The legs are positioned hip-wide. The arms can be laid to the side of the body. Now the buttocks should be lifted from the mat until thighs and torso form a straight line.

The position should be held for 30 seconds. Alternatively, the buttocks can be lowered immediately to just before the pad and then lifted again. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 3: The patient lies on a mat in supine position. He places a half-inflated ball or a towel under his lumbar spine. The task is then to press the lumbar spine firmly down into the ball/towel.

The navel is pulled in the direction of the spine. Hold this position for about 10 seconds, then slowly release. Increase: Remove the ball/towel and press the lumbar spine onto the mat so that the cavity between the lumbar spine and the mat disappears.

Further therapeutic measures

If a nerve is pinched, it is important to continue to move as normally as possible and not to assume a relieving posture. To make this possible without pain, doctors prescribe pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medication. Electrotherapy or heat therapy in the form of heat plasters, ointments, lamps or cherry stone pillows helps those affected. Osteopathy, acupuncture, massages or manual therapy can relieve muscle tension in an even more targeted way. The way to the chiropractor is also promising: targeted, gentle movements achieve a relaxation.