Duration of a herniated disc | L4 Syndrome

Duration of a herniated disc The duration of the L4 syndrome depends on the underlying cause. A slight herniated disc, which only causes swelling and thus entrapment of the nerve root when the affected area is strained, only causes discomfort for a short time. However, if the herniated disc is very pronounced, or if the … Duration of a herniated disc | L4 Syndrome

L5 syndrome

What is an L5 syndrome? The L5 syndrome describes a pain syndrome that is caused by nerve irritation of the fifth lumbar vertebra. Within the spinal column runs the spinal cord, from which nerves emerge along the entire length of the spinal column to supply the individual areas of the body with sensitive and motorized … L5 syndrome

You can recognize an L5 syndrome by these symptoms | L5 syndrome

You can recognize an L5 syndrome by these symptoms Depending on the extent of the nerve damage, characteristic symptoms of L5 syndrome develop. The affected persons typically suffer from pain in the dermatome of the L5 nerve root.Pain is present in the rear thigh, lateral knee, front and outer side of the lower leg. The … You can recognize an L5 syndrome by these symptoms | L5 syndrome

Diagnosis | L5 syndrome

Diagnosis The L5 syndrome itself does not describe a disease but a symptom. An L5 syndrome can therefore be diagnosed by the attending physician with a detailed discussion of the symptoms and previous illnesses as well as a physical and neurological examination focusing on sensitivity, paralysis and reflexes. However, the cause of the pain syndrome … Diagnosis | L5 syndrome

Therapy | Slipped disc of the lumbar spine

Therapy Two types of treatment are possible: the conservative and the operative treatment procedure. In most cases, a conservative method is sufficient to treat the herniated disc of the lumbar spine. The conservative treatments include pain therapy and training of the back muscles. After six to eight weeks, the symptoms should have improved. If there … Therapy | Slipped disc of the lumbar spine

Duration of a slipped disc of the lumbar spine | Slipped disc of the lumbar spine

Duration of a slipped disc of the lumbar spine The duration of the healing process after a herniated disc depends on the severity of the incident as well as on the treatment. Only about ten percent of all herniated disks have to be treated surgically (by surgery), although a reduction in pain cannot always be … Duration of a slipped disc of the lumbar spine | Slipped disc of the lumbar spine

Special features of the LWS | Slipped disc of the lumbar spine

Special features of the LWS The lumbar spine (lumbar spine) has a special feature in contrast to the thoracic spine and cervical spine. The vertebrae are positioned particularly steeply in relation to each other. In normal cases, they can counteract forces that are directed forward or backward. Such forces are most likely to occur when … Special features of the LWS | Slipped disc of the lumbar spine

Diagnosis of a slipped disc of the lumbar spine | Slipped disc of the lumbar spine

Diagnosis of a slipped disc of the lumbar spine The symptoms, the neurological examinations and ultimately the imaging procedures can contribute to the diagnosis of a herniated disc. Typical symptoms of a herniated disc in the lumbar spine are severe back pain under stress (in standing, bending, sitting). In severe forms, severe pain even occurs … Diagnosis of a slipped disc of the lumbar spine | Slipped disc of the lumbar spine