Lichen Ruber

Introduction Lichen ruber (nodular lichen) is a chronic disease of the skin (dermatosis), in which the symptoms of itching and skin changes are the main focus. There are different forms of lichen ruber, which differ greatly in their appearance. The most common form is lichen ruber planus, less common are lichen ruber mucosae, lichen ruber … Lichen Ruber

The diagnosis | Lichen Ruber

The diagnosis The diagnosis is usually based on the characteristic clinical picture. For confirmation, a tissue sample can be taken from an affected area and examined histologically. Under the microscope, a thickening of the uppermost skin layer, defense cells and deposited antibodies can be detected. In addition, blood tests can sometimes be helpful (for example, … The diagnosis | Lichen Ruber

Lichen ruber planus

Definition Lichen ruber planus, also known as nodular lichen, is a non-infectious chronic inflammatory disease of the skin and mucous membranes that occurs in relapses. Itchy nodules are formed, which occur particularly frequently on the bend of the wrists and back of the knees, on the upper body and on the soles of the feet. … Lichen ruber planus

Healing of the lichen ruber planus | Lichen ruber planus

Healing of the lichen ruber planus Normally, the disease heals spontaneously on its own after a period of several months, with an average duration of one to two years. However, since the symptoms are very unpleasant and patients suffer from burning and itching, many sufferers undergo therapy. With treatment, the skin changes heal within 9 … Healing of the lichen ruber planus | Lichen ruber planus