Back-friendly behavior

The term “back-friendly behavior” refers to behavior in everyday life and exercises to prevent back problems and alleviate existing complaints. People who stand a lot and for a long time in everyday life or perform one-sided monotonous movements should pay attention to a back-friendly posture. People who sit for long periods of time at work … Back-friendly behavior

Stretch the back muscles with specific exercises | How can I strengthen the back muscles?

Stretch the back muscles with specific exercises If muscles are not stretched sufficiently due to lack of movement, the muscles shorten and “stick together”. This can not only lead to tension and pain, but after a certain period of time it can also considerably restrict mobility. This problem can be counteracted by stretching. By stretching, … Stretch the back muscles with specific exercises | How can I strengthen the back muscles?

Which machines are suitable for training the back muscles? | How can I strengthen the back muscles?

Which machines are suitable for training the back muscles? According to a saying, “a strong back knows no pain“. There is a lot of truth in this saying: because often the causes of back problems are back muscles that are too weakly developed. Anyone who wants to develop these muscles in a targeted manner must … Which machines are suitable for training the back muscles? | How can I strengthen the back muscles?

Laugh lines

According to a Belgian study by the University of Louvain, test persons smiling people with small wrinkles around the eyes and mouth (the so-called laughter lines) were found to be significantly more attractive, cheerful and intelligent than people with wrinkle-free smiles. These were often perceived as artificial and inauthentic. Researchers saw the reason for this … Laugh lines

Costs of treatment against laughter lines | Laugh lines

Costs of treatment against laughter lines The cost of laminating or treating laugh lines varies greatly depending on the method and the extent of the wrinkles. Probably the cheapest method is the application of concealing make-up. Depending on the brand, the price for a filling concealer varies between 5 and 35 Euros. Products that are … Costs of treatment against laughter lines | Laugh lines

How do I Lift Heavy Loads Correctly?

Activities that are stressful for the musculoskeletal system occur more frequently among craftsmen and industrial workers than among other occupational groups. It is therefore unsurprising that they are at increased risk of suffering from osteoarthritis or other joint diseases. Pregnant women or women who have recently had a C-section should also avoid heavy lifting to … How do I Lift Heavy Loads Correctly?

Sequence of the Op | How can a vasectomy be reversed?

Sequence of the Op Since refertilization requires a precise microsurgical procedure, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia. After the patient is asleep, the skin is opened either through the scars of the vasectomy operation or through an incision in the middle fold of skin of the scrotum (testicles). The separate ends of the vas … Sequence of the Op | How can a vasectomy be reversed?

What does the operation cost? | How can a vasectomy be reversed?

What does the operation cost? The costs for a refertilization with a specialist are about 2000-3000€. This makes the operation significantly more expensive than the previous vasectomy. This is because a vasovasostomy is a more complex procedure that requires more time, equipment and expertise. Special, expensive suture material for microsurgical operations is used to reconnect … What does the operation cost? | How can a vasectomy be reversed?