Inner Band Knee

Synonyms Ligamentum collaterale mediale, Ligamentum collaterale tibiale, Internal collateral ligament, Internal knee ligament, medial collateral ligament (MCL) General information The inner ligament of the knee is also called the medial collateral ligament. It connects the thigh bone (“femur”) with the shin bone (“tibia”). It is the central counterpart to the outer collateral ligament, which connects … Inner Band Knee

Therapy | Inner Band Knee

Therapy Immediately after the injury to the knee, the procedure according to the so-called “RICE protocol” should be followed. RICE stands for the English words for protection, cooling, compression and elevation. If there is a strain or a non-serious case of an inner ligament rupture, conservative therapy usually helps. The focus here is on protecting … Therapy | Inner Band Knee

Torn ligament

Introduction A torn ligament (synonym: rupture of the ligament) is, as the name suggests, a tear or break in a certain structure of the ligament. The ligament can be completely or only partially ruptured. Also the localization is variable, so that a rupture of the ligament is just as likely at the center as in … Torn ligament

Forecast | Torn ligament

Forecast Simple ligament stretches usually heal within one to two weeks. If capsular ligaments are torn, conservative therapy results in scarred defect healing of the ligaments. In most cases, the scarred ligaments are sufficient to restore the original function. If the stability is not sufficient, this results in joint instability. In these cases, surgery should … Forecast | Torn ligament

Prophylaxis | Torn ligament

Prophylaxis A good training condition and careful warming up before sports activities minimise the risk of sprain/twisting and thus the risk of torn ligaments considerably, but cannot ultimately prevent twisting. Good footwear can prevent a torn ligament by providing sufficient stability. The higher the sports shoe, the more reliable the protection against ligament injury. However, … Prophylaxis | Torn ligament

Ligament injury to the wrist

Introduction A frequent reason for a visit to the doctor is an injury to the wrist. It is caused by external force if the degree of mobility of the wrist has been exceeded. A sports accident is almost always the cause. In ligament injuries, a distinction is made between stretching of the ligament and torn … Ligament injury to the wrist

What is a sprain?

Synonyms in a broader sense Distortion, twisting Definition Sprain is one of the most common sports injuries. The cause of the sprain is a violent overstretching of a joint, whereby internal structures such as ligaments or the joint capsule are damaged. The large, much-used joints such as the hand, foot, knee and above all the … What is a sprain?