Cardiac Glycosides

Effects Positive inotropic (hermuscular contractility). Negative chronotropic (heart rate) Negative dromotropic (excitation conduction) Positive bathmotropic (stimulus threshold is lowered). Indications Heart failure Arrhythmia Agents Digoxin (Digoxin Sandoz) Digitoxin Other active ingredients such as convallatoxin or proscillaridin are no longer commercially available today. Stem plants Adonis Christmas rose Foxglove, see under red foxglove Lily of the … Cardiac Glycosides

Lily of the valley

Convallaria majalis Augenkraut, Maililie, GlasblümliLily of the valley can be recognized by its strikingly large, oval, dark green, lancet-like leaves. In contrast, inconspicuous flowers with unbranched thin stems, which are arranged in clusters at the upper end and are bell-shaped, attracting attention through their fragrant scent. Flowering time: May to June Occurrence: In the forests … Lily of the valley

Lily of the Valley Health Benefits

Stem plant Convallariaceae, lily of the valley. Medicinal drug Convallariae herba – lily of the valley herb: the aerial parts of the L. collected at flowering time (PH 4) – no longer officinal. Preparations Discontinued powder Ingredients Cardiac glycosides of the cardenolide type: convallatoxin. Effects Positively inotropic Diuretic: natriuretic, kaliuretic Economizes the work of the … Lily of the Valley Health Benefits