Occurrence of pneumonia in certain situations | Pneumonia

Occurrence of pneumonia in certain situations Special precautions apply to babies, both in case they are ill themselves and in case their parents or siblings are ill. The immune system of children is not fully developed until the age of 10, it is still learning. Therefore, babies cannot defend themselves against the pathogens as effectively … Occurrence of pneumonia in certain situations | Pneumonia

Prognosis | Pneumonia

Prognosis The prognosis for outpatient pneumonia (pneumonia) is quite good, as the mortality rate is significantly below 5%. In comparison, the mortality rate of hospital-acquired pneumonia is 70%. On the one hand, this is due to the different pathogen spectrum: hospital germs are usually more resistant. On the other hand, it is due to the … Prognosis | Pneumonia


Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Pneumonia Synonyms in a broader sense: Lobar pneumonia Atypical pneumonia Interstitial pneumonia Definition Pneumonia Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs that can be either acute or chronic. The alveoli and/or the interstitial tissue can be affected. The inflammation rarely affects the entire lung, but usually individual sections of … Pneumonia

Rare surgical indications | Diseases of the lung that require surgical treatment

Rare surgical indications Less common, but not negligible, are operations in the thorax in case of failure or insufficient initial therapy. Surgery may be necessary in cases of recurrent fluid accumulating in the narrow gap between the lung and the chest (recurrent pleural effusion), insufficiently treatable, narrowly defined adhesions of the lung tissue (bronchiectasis), pulmonary … Rare surgical indications | Diseases of the lung that require surgical treatment

Prognosis | Diseases of the lung that require surgical treatment

Prognosis The individual prognosis of lung diseases requiring surgical treatment varies greatly. It depends on the exact clinical picture, the patient’s general condition, the type of surgical intervention and many other factors. As a general rule, it can only be predicted that the more lung tissue that has to be removed, the more difficult the … Prognosis | Diseases of the lung that require surgical treatment